
Season the lamb cheek fillets with salt and pepper and marinate them overnight with crushed garlic cloves, ginger, curry powder, and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Leave them out of the fridge for 1 hour before cooking.
شرائح لحم خد الضأن المتبلة بالكاري

Season the lamb cheek fillets with salt and pepper and marinate them overnight with crushed garlic cloves, ginger, curry powder, and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Leave them out of the fridge for 1 hour before cooking.
شرائح رقبة الضأن المتبل بالثوم والزعتر

Finely chop a clove of garlic with some fresh thyme sprigs. Mix with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and rub this mixture over the lamb neck slices for a few hours.

Finely chop a clove of garlic with some fresh thyme sprigs. Mix with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and rub this mixture over the lamb neck slices for a few hours.
شرائح لحم الضأن مع سميد القمح المقلي

Cover the wheat semolina with hot water and let it sit. Julienne the shallots, dice the apple, and mince the garlic.

Cover the wheat semolina with hot water and let it sit. Julienne the shallots, dice the apple, and mince the garlic.
كتف ضأن مشوي مع الخضار

Season the meat with salt and pepper and sear in the frying pan until the meat is golden brown.

Season the meat with salt and pepper and sear in the frying pan until the meat is golden brown.
لحم ضأن مشوي مع البطاطس المهروسة واليقطين

لحم ضأن مشوي مع البطاطس المهروسة واليقطين لمدة ساعة و30 دقيقة. لـ 4 أشخاص. مستوى سهل. الماعز. المكونات :بالنسبة للحم 1 قطعة من لحم الماعز تقريباً حوالي 600 جرام 50 جرام من فتات الخبز 100 جرام من الأعشاب المقطعة (بقدونس، زعتر، إكليل الجبل) 2 فصوص من الثوم مفروم ناعمًا 50 جرام من الزبدة الذائبة فلفل […]
وافل مع لحم الضأن وكافيار الماندرين

Rub the lamb shoulder with salt, pepper and olive oil to taste and bake it at 150º C for 45-50 min. Once the time has elapsed, leave it to cool for about 10 min.